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New Rule May 21, 2010

Posted by nicholasjweaver in Politics & News.
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Bill Maher suggests that Republicans produce their own birth certificates from now on, and reminds us why British Conservatives are cooler and more sane than American conservatives are lately. Trust me, this is a discussion I’ve been having for many months (go, David Cameron!).

And So it Begins! May 18, 2010

Posted by nicholasjweaver in Politics & News.
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The David Cameron era is kicking off, and the new Prime Minister welcomed new members to Parliament. Conservative MP John Bercow was re-affirmed as Speaker, and new Labour leader Harriet Harman tersely congratulated the New Prime Minister and Tories.

Meanwhile. Mr. Cameron joked that “It really does look and feel different- indeed many of are sitting next to people that we have never sat next to before!” He sat next to Lib Dems’ leader Nick Clegg himself: